Thursday, June 21, 2012

EXP3 - Animations

EXP3 - Facebook Elevator
EXP3 - Facebook Elevator from Tai Danh Lien on Vimeo. EXP3 - Final Walk Through

EXP3 - Final Walk Through from Tai Danh Lien on Vimeo.

EXP3 - Applied Textures

EXP3 - Links

Google Sketchup models:

Cocacola Elevator
Cocacola Headquarter
Facebook Elevator
Facebook Headquarter
Dining Table
The Bridge

Cryengine3 Environment for EXP3 package:

EXP3 - Developed Cryengine Environment

Facebook Headquarter

Coca Cola Headquarter

Overall View of the Bridge and its environment

I am really satisfied with the outcome of the Facebook headquarter. I cannot get rid of my habits when it comes down to details. It just took me ages to do every curve and details in Sketchup. But I stayed strong to accomplish the final design.

Another overall shot

For Coca Cola headquarter, this model should have been stacked on top of each other but its property is too large even in Sketchup it couldn't handle any single cut. I got so frustrated with this when attempting to import it into Cryengine, it crashes many times so it now turns out to be as simple as this.

Close up shot of the Coca Cola headquarter

Dining Table accessed by two Elevators

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

EXP3 - Draft Cryengine Environment

Below are some shots from my draft Cryengine Environment. They are not done yet as there are more details to be added. Besides, problems happened when I updated the models in sketchup but they don't show up in Cryengine.

EXP3 - 36 Movement Textures

EXP3 - Two points Perspectives

EXP 3 - The Great Ocean Road

I lived in Melbourne, Victoria for a year when I first came to Australia. It's just so beautiful that I always referred it as my second home. This is why I choose The Great Ocean Road as my land form for the Crysis Environment.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

EXP2 - Applied Textures

I forgot to mention the textures that I applied to the monuments. Here they are, 3 of the best within my 36 textures from light to dark.

EXP2 - Final Submission

I struggled a bit with my time management so these are what I could get for the submission 2.

From the beginning, I had a thought of the relationship between two architects which help to define the monuments' location, function and their distinction. Mies Van Der Rohe is the dead architect whom I imagined as the old bamboo tree had gone to give way for a new talented architect Rem Koolhaas. With only one access which would lead visitors walking back in time to review the modern architecture between now and Mies' era.

Rem Koolhaas' monument comprises from the concept "Space is Absent of form".  Besides the requirement of using only prisms, in order to follow the concept, I tried to define vast space of Rem's monument without using any specific form by blending it to natural space, using small corridor and replace door by opening, strip windows, horizontal or vertical cut out to break its form.

And this "break Boundary, Inside, outside, functionalities" is the concept of Mies Van Der Rohe's monument. It has no boundary to define volume, interior or exterior. By using the same core structure in middle with the vertical extension of its two main platforms which looked like hands of the old wise architecture supporting new transformed modern one.
Cliff hanging monuments provide a total free panorama view of the ocean and landscape.

Looking down to the monument of Mies.

Mies Van Der Rohe's monument is located at the bottom of the whole monument combination

Rem  Koolhaas' monument is on the top, providing main access to the whole interconnection.

Additional Tube leading visitors to great freaky views of the landsform and ocean.

36 Textures from Light to Dark

Electroliquid Aggregation: These are 3 interconnections of the monuments under isometric views. Each is formed by 2 complex prisms which were meant to be the monuments for 2 famous architects: Mies Van Der Rohe and Rem Koolhaas.
Two monuments are put side by side to equate their heights, volume, mass and beauty. Just a simple plug between the two can actually blend their simplicity and expose the distinctive aspects of each one.
Isometric shows Rem Koolhaas' monument

Isometric shows Mies Van Der Rohe's
Monuments are simply combined in vertical direction. The top part is Rem Koolhaas' monument "exterior shapes relate to interior space" and the bottom part is Mies Van Der Rohe's monument "creating Balance with seemingly unbalanced forms".


The Chosen One, this is the interconnected prisms that I had been further developed to show in the CryEngine environment. It is more complicated than its original basic forms.

The higher part is monument for Rem Koolhaas "Space is Absent of form" and the lower part is for Mies Van De Rohe "break Boundary, Inside, outside, functionalities"

Front Isometric view

Back Isometric view

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sunday, April 15, 2012

EXP 2.2 - CryENGINE3 Prisms



"Creating BALANCE with seemingly unbalanced forms"

"Extreme clarity and simplicity achieve a sense of FLOW"

"Break BOUNDARIES - inside, outside, functionalities"


"Space is ABSENT of form"

"Exterior shapes relate to Interior space"

"Integrity of form can be De-constructive according to the Concept"