Rendered by Vray Sketchup, designed by Carterwilliamson Architects |
Vray is a powerful rendering engine works within Sketchup application as a plug-in. I have learnt how to use it in a short period of time and it always gives me a huge excitement on the possible achievement of architectural visualization. I am really happy to learn more about it and love to instroduce it to everyone who love the beauty of art and buildings. This rendered image is proposed for a private resident on Louisa Rd, Balmain. There are multiple options we recreated from client's needs and this scheme is called U+H shape comprises from two levels looking at Cockatoo Island.
Millau Viaduct bridge (Millau, France, 1993-2004), Norman Foster + Chapelet-Defol-Mousseigne |
Millau Viaduct bridge is a success of collaboration between structural engineers and architects. Its purpose is to create a direct route from Paris to Barcelona. In construction, the challenge of this infrastructure is 2.46 km span across the River Tarn. In architectural view, Millau Viaduct bridge is beautiful as it minimises intervention in the landscape and form as a ribbon curving through the valley.
Flying Seagull |
This picture is my favourite one from all I have taken. I love the beauty of flying under the blue sky where many architects nowadays want to reach their buildings to higher limits (but I don't support that desire).There is a beauty of limitation too which has awaken our globe to look for a more sustainable environment for our next next generations. My point is flying with our strong wings and knowledge but they should be with more considerations of our limitation.
Bourgeois' Maman sculpture at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. (image from Wikipedia) |
Big Mama, Crawl, Monstrous.
Ai Weiwei, Bicycles, Installation 2009 |
Connection, Cut, Complex.
Stelarc, 'Sitting/Swaying: Event for rock suspension', Maki Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1980 |
Suspension, Hang, Physical